This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


Philatelic Collection for sale (Transfer)
The seasons flow like a stream, and the year of 'old age' has suddenly arrived! The philatelic collection catalog published on this page is a collection of global philatelic communication that the author has personally created and collected for decades. Unlike other philatelic items, they are unique in the world, and with significant historical value. The author is 88 years old this year, In order to ensure the long-term circulation and greater effectiveness of these collections, after careful consideration, it has been decided to sell them to friends at home and abroad who are interested in collecting them at a suitable price. In addition to considering its own value, its pricing also takes into account the actual prices of many famous auctions at home and abroad (see the attached summary table below). As time passes, the appreciation rate of these precious collections will far exceed the interest rate of ordinary deposits. Due to the wide variety of philatelic items, only a portion of the main philatelic items transfer catalogs have been released here. All transfer items under the catalog, in addition the autographed postcards, also include all items published on our website's relevant web pages. For these items and a large number of other philatelic collection that have not yet been released. If you have any questions or needs, please send an email to contact me(
All philatelic collections is unique in the world, do not miss please!
Appendix: Representative auction transaction prices
Collection name
Transaction price RMB (Equivalent to USD)
German Chancellor Merkel's signature photo
25300 (USD 3,615)
Letter signed by Khrushchev, former First Secretary of the Soviet Union
34500元 (USD 4,930)
Photo of British Prime Minister Churchill's signature
34500 (USD 4,930)
Margaret Thatcher's signature photo
28750 (USD 4,250)
Queen Elizabeth II signed greeting card
105,800 (USD 15,114)
Signature photo of Russian President Putin
17250 (USD 2,464)
Signature photo of US President Obama
17250 (USD 2,464)
Signature photo of US President Roosevelt
40250 (USD 5,750)
Washington D.C. Signature Certificate of the First President of the United States
74750 (USD 10,680)
Signature photo of French President Charles de Gaulle
34500 (USD 4,930)
Signature photo of Yugoslav President Tito
20700 (USD 2,957)
Signature photo of Israeli Prime Minister Rabin
11500 (USD 1,643)
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's signature document
13800 (USD 1,971)
Afghan President Karzai's signature photo
9200 (USD 1,314)
Signature photo of Sekou Toure, Guinea
17250 (USD 2,464)
(Group) Signed by 18 political figures including Annam Sihanouk
207,000 (USD 29,570)
Sun Yat sen (The first president of China)signed military banknotes
69,440 (USD 9,914)
Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai Signature Card
448,500 (USD 64,070)
Chinese President Hua Guofeng, Li Xiannian, and four other signed envelopes
241,500 (USD 34,500)
Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong's signature photo
1,725,000 (USD 246,430)

Comparison of pictures and prices (RMB)

RMB 34500--Khrushchev, the First Secretary of the Soviet Union

RMB 25300--Russian President Putin and German Chancellor

RMB 448500--Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai

RMB 155250--Founding General of the Chinese People's Liberation Army

Comparison of pictures and prices (RMB)

RMB10350--US President Bill Clinton (On the bowling ball)

RMB 48300--US President Obama

RMB 25300--German Chancellor Angela Merkel

RMB 46000--Founder of the Soviet Red Army

Transfer price in U.S. dollars. Other common currency please according to the exchange rate
In order to every transferred item's inventory, you could send email to request. We will endeavor to meet your requirements
Three characteristics of the collections on this website:
1. The producer of these collections will organize and sell them themselves, and add textual introductions to ensure that they are original and authentic
2. The handwritten ink mark of all celebrities' autography is on the postcard, which maybe currently the first combination of postcard communication and celebrity autograpuy in the world
3. Postcards and related attachments, the stamps used, postmarks affixed, markings, etc., retain sufficient postal information; The content of the request for a signature, the signatures of political figures, and related responses are recorded in ink in the historical environment at that time. It is a non-renewable special document and a rare item that exists in the world
The wheels of history and the sedimentation of time will increasingly reveal their collectible value
Catalog of Philatelic collection to be Transferred (Part)
Price (USD)
King of Cambodia NORODOM SIHANOUK 1998.10.7. 2860 (Multiple communications)(More see here)
German Chancellor HELMUT KOHL 1998.10.15. 1720 Sold (More see here)
Korean President KIM DAE-JUNG 1998.12.4. 1720 (including relevant collection)(More see here)
Swiss President FLAVIO COTTI 1998.12.8. 1420 (First day postcard)(More see here)
Irish Prime Minister BERTY AHERN 1998.12.17. 1140
Prime Ministers of Finland PAAVO LIPPONEN 1998.12.18. 1140
Prime Ministers of Belgium JEAN-LUC DEHAENE 1998.12.21. 1140 (More see here)
Prime Minister of Cook Islands GEOFFREY HENRY 1999.1.5. 720
President of Mongolia NACHAGYM BAGBANDY 1999.1.16. 720
Prime Minister of Jamaica PERCIRAL PATTWESON 1999.2.14. 720
Presidents of Israel EZER WEIZMAN 1999.5.19. 1720 (Multiple communications)(More see here)
President of Cyprus


1999.7.5. 720 Sold
New Zealand Prime Minister (female) JENNY SHIPLAY 1999.8.12. 860 Sold (More see here)
The Last Governor General of Portugal in Macau ROCHA VIEIRA 1999.9.15. 1140 Sold (More see here)
Presidents of Ecuador JAMIL MAHUAD WITT 1999.10.31. 430
Prime Minister of Cote d'Ivoire DANIEL KABLAN DUNCAN 1999.11.7. 430 (More see here)
Prime Minister of Albania REXHEP MEIDANI 2000.1.17. 720
German Chancellor GERHARD SCHROEDER 2000.3.5. 1140 Sold
Tanzanian Prime Minister FREDERIK T.SUMAYE 2000.4.26. 720
The first president of East Timor XANANA GUSMAO 2000.5.2. 2860 (including signed letters from Gusmao, British Ambassador, and Chinese peacekeeping personnel)(More see here)
Prime Minister of Barbados OWEN ARTHUR 2000.6.19. 720
Chairman of Laos KHAMTAY SIPHANDONE 2000.8.20. 720
President of Botswana FESTUS MOGAE 2000.8.23. 720
President of Brazil FERNANDO HENRIQUE CARDOSO 2000.11.6. 1420 (First day postcard)
Governor-General of New Zealand MICHAEL HARDIE BOYS 2000.12.28. 1140
The following are signed photos and letters, etc
French President Jacque Chirac   1140 Sold
President of Egypt Mohammed Husny Mubarak 1999.6.22. 430
Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan (Main Images) 2000.1.29. 430
Danish Prime Minister Foul Nyrup Rasmussen 2000.8.2. 430
President of Iran Seyed Mohammed Khatami 2000.10.23. 430
President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov 2001.3.23. 720

you can contact me if you need

All buyers will receive a complimentary book titled 'Philatelic Memories' (under editing), which details the historical background and collectible value of these collections
Below: Complete collection autographed by Chinese ambassadors to 158 countries at the end of the 20th century
It records the panoramic view of Chinese diplomatic ambassadors at the turn of the 20th century, as well as stamps, postmarks, postal routes, and postal profiles of 158 countries around the world
Including signed postcards of ambassadors from 158 countries and all correspondence mails, as well as six volumes of the Emerald Premium Philatelic Album and all the plastic loose leaf pages and related materials inside (More introduce see here ) (see figure below)
six senior stamp album
The inside front cover
The album inner table of contents
In South Africa's first ambassador Wang Xuexian signature postcard
The album 's information
In the United States Ambassador Li Zhaoxing ( later Minister for Foreign Affairs ) signature postcard
Please contact the editor if you have any request or problem
For more auction prices of signature collections, please refer to the following website
If you would like to know the personal credit status of the editor, please visit this page
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