This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-020-7 My philatelic story about East Timor (7)
Mr,Zhao's letter was sent on Sep.10, received in Nanjing on Oct.1,total is 20 days. It is correspond with Gusmao's letter. In order to more convenience in contact, he give me a detailed address again (See below) and a E-mail address. He tell me all letters for UNTAET was transmitted by Darwin where is a important city of north of Australia (See eng2-020-1). The server of the Internet was installed there yet. It make me felling a hardships for independent and establishing a state of a puniness nation, and a complex and mixed international relations.
all letters for UNTAET was transmitted by Darwin where is a important city of north of Australia

From first postcard sent on Oct.27,2000 to received the postcard autographed by Mr.Zhao, total spent the time for one year. I learned many knowledge, got to know new friends. Our friendship between I and Mr.Zhao gradually deepen by way of the letter, E-mail. I gained more understanding for theirs work, life, heart.... Mr.Zhao is a young man, in despite of life and working condition is very hard, but they work selflessly for the trust and honour in motherland, they cherish the memory of their relatives, All everything is inspiring and spurring them on exerting themselves to accomplish their assignment. The people of motherland and East Timor will not forget their historic contribution for East Timor found a state. Mr.Zhao sent some Photos to me one after another by way of the E-mail. Some is his working photos, some is together with the local people, officer. It is most exciting that Gusmao is warmly shaking hands with him in a photo. That is in the second planning conference of East Timor held on May 1-3, Mr.Zhao as a preparator of the conference and a person in charge of plan and environment department of Dili city is kindness interviewed by President elect Gusmao and talk with each other. East Timor national TV station (TVTL) broadcast the program. The photo is grabbed from a screen, so it is not too clear. ( See below )

Mr.Zhao is handling a problem for US naval engineering corps building a barracks
Mr.Zhao took a group photo with Dili mayor Mr. Ruben in a national day reception held by China representative office in East Timor on Oct.1,2001.

Above; Mr.Zhao is handling a problem for US naval engineering corps building a barracks

Above:Mr.Zhao took a group photo with Dili mayor Mr. Ruben in a national day reception held by China representative office in East Timor on Oct.1,2001.

President elect Gusmao and Premier of government was attending the second planning conference of East Timor
Mr.Zhao as a preparator of the conference and a person in charge of plan and environment department of Dili city is kindness interviewed by President elect Gusmao and talk with each other.
Above: President elect Gusmao and Premier of government was attending the second planning conference of East Timor Above:Mr.Zhao as a preparator of the conference and a person in charge of plan and environment department of Dili city is kindness interviewed by President elect Gusmao and talk with each other.
 These photos made me to affect an intensive influence. I think that the ability and cleverness and the spirit of dedication of young men of the new generation will become a inexhaustible power for motherland is strong and prosperous. 
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