This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-020-6 My philatelic story about East Timor (6)

Winter gave place to summer, half year have elapsed in a flash. I finaly received the letter from East Timor on Aug.5,2001 . My postcard delivered to Mr.Zhao Yongge by way of Mr.Y. and Australia post service. Mr. Zhao takes up his pen to write the reply letter after surprise, introduced his case in East Timor and his definite mail address.

the letter from East Timor
it is a stamp issued by UNTAET

Left above: First letter from Mr.Zhao. 220x110mm. Right above:Enlarged stamp. 40x30mm.

Particularly valuable is the stamp. This is one of the two (different) stamps issued by the United Nations Transitional Administration on April 29, 2000. in East Timor. No par value, used in international standard airmail. (later Mr. Zhao tell me, the price of the stamp is 50 US cents). Another stamp for the domestic mail. This is unique a set of stamps for a country issued by the United Nations. The stamp have a strong impelling force. A island in a blue sea, the people spreading arms for calling the independence and freedom, a rainbow symbolizing a magnificent future , it draws the outside of bright prospects of this new country that is about to born. The upper left corner of the "Lorosae Timor" is East Timor ( Note: Portuguese is office language of East Timor), the upper right corner of the UNTAET is an abbreviation of United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor. JOAO MACHADO printed in the lower left corner may be the name of the stamp designer. The lower right corner of INT. seems to be the international abbreviation, the INCM IMP.00 the meaning unknown.

First I contact with Mr.Y and Mr.G in Beijing, tell them this good news and thanks for theirs warmly help. Then I sent a new postcard used the address gave by Mr.Zhao for asking Mr. Zhao autograph. This time is very swimmingly, Mr.Zhao autographed and sent back on Sep.10, I received the postcard and Mr, Zhao's second letter on Oct.1. (See below) 
Mr.Zhao autographed and sent back
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