This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-020-4 My philatelic story about East Timor (4)

Below is the content of the postcard:

"Respeted Your Excellency Mr.Jos Alexandre Xanana Gusmao, Excuse me boldly write to you. I am a Chinese retired employee of Sinopec JInling ptrochem corp. in Nanjing China, as well as a philatelist for many years. You paid a important visit to China on Jan. 24-27. This is your first visit to China since you gained freedom in Sep.7,1999. A new independent East Timor is about to birth after referendum in Aug.30,1999 Under the UN taking charge. Your legendary political career and persistent dauntless spirit are understood and admired by numerous ordinary Chinese. We sincerely wish the establishing new East Timor country prosperity and her people happiness. In order to remember the important visit in a philatelic form, so that to leave a precious information for 20 millions Chinese philatelists and peoples of countries, I earnest hope you could autograph this postcard (verso) at your leisure inside of busy affairs of founding the state and mail it back to me, so that as a perpetual history to treasure up. I looking forward to you kind help. Pray accept my best and sincerest wishes.

A Chinese aged philatelist Han-Wenguang"  

I used 3 pieces commemorative stamps: One is 1995-22-2 " 50th Anniv.of United Nations" (2 pieces for 1 set, issued date is Oct.24,1995, issued quantity is 26 millions sets ); One is J108 " United Nations Decade for Woman 1976-1985" ( 1 piece for 1 set, date is Mar.8,1985, quantity is 16.7 millions); Other one is 1997-18-1 " The Temple of Heaven" (in Beijing)(4 pieces for 1 set, date is Oct.16,1997, quantity is 26.5 millions sets). The meaning of the stamps is very clear.  

I used 2 photos in the back of the postcard. One is a photo that is Vice chairman Hu Jintao is meeting with Gusmao; Other one is a Gusmao's photo downloaded from the Internet. This photo reflects Gusmao's dauntless striving figure for national liberation, it is a very touching photo. In despite of it occupied many space ( It always is a couple contradiction that the limited area and a minimum demand for manner of writing and expressing my idea In the very small postcard ) but I still use it. I believe it also could cause Gusmao's brief remember for his striving history. 

The date of Gusmao's autograph is Apr.11,2000, place is Dili. It is 71 days from my postcard was sent. It is 21 days from Gusmao autographed to I received the reply letter.  

Because there is a E-mail address on the back of the letter, I sent a E-mail for thanksgiving on May 6. I received a courteous reply E-mail on May 9 soon, the signature of the E-mail is a officer of office of the CNRT president Mr. Kirsty Sword. I think, this matter can end in a satisfactory way.

Exceeding my expectations, the matters is still continual. On Jun.12, I received again a letter from Indonesia. There is a special seal of the British embassy on the envelop. Oh! I recall I ever sent a letter to the embassy for help. What content is in the letter? I opened this envelop with a bit interrogative heart ( See below. The envelop is 220x110mm, the letter paper is 210x297mm)   
There is a special seal of the British embassy on the envelop.
From the Ambassador Sir Robin Christopher, KBE, CMG 30 May 2000


The content of the letter is:

"From the Ambassador Sir Robin Christopher, KBE, CMG 30 May 2000

Dear Mr.Han-Wenguang,

Your wrote to me sometime ago asking me to pass on a stamped postcard to Xanana Gusmao commemorating his visit to China.

He was indeed resident with us at the Embassy for two weeks last September on his release from detention. I have since visited him in Dili (East Timor) and will be seeing him again next month.

I am writing to inform you that I passed on your postcard and good wishes personally to him.

Wish best wishes

Robin Christopher HM Ambassador"

I am very admiration indeed for This ambassador's conscientious spirit. I seem firsthand to learn through practice a refined and courteous gentleman-like manner of Britisher. This letter recorded many historic case from a indirect sources : 1. Gusmo sure shacked in the British Embassy in Jakarta after he got off at Sep.1998. However his retentive times is not one month and more as outside reports, but is two weeks. 2. Gusmo has a good relations with British Embassy and the Ambassador. But these matters have not been a question for study or discussion by philatelists.  

I have been in expectation for getting the postcard that is passed on by the Ambassador Christopher. Of course I know yet, I have got an autographed postcard, so the second will be uncertain. Two years passed, the fact confirmed my guess. I don't know where that postcard is in now ? Perhaps it is silently lying in certain cabinet of certain room of East Timor now. I hope it can become a information that will be a raindrop in the historic wind and cloud of East Timor, It will refract a best wishes of a ordinary Chinese old man who is separated by thousands of miles for East Tiomr's independent process.

Ambassador Robin Christopher, I hope so by way of this small field to express my sincerely thanksgiving for you. Good luck!  

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