This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-020-10 My philatelic story about East Timor (10)
At Zero hour on May 20,2002, as UN's flag little by little fell, East Timor national flag soar up gradually with national anthem. The first new country-- Democratic Republic of East Timor formally was born. The leaders and represents of over 90 countries included China minister of foreign affairs Tang Jiaxuan attended this grand ceremony.( See left below). Chinese TV stations also reported in many space the news. Interested readers please right-click on this link to download an RAR compressed file (31M, MP4 format). It contains five video related files that Chinese television stations recorded and saved by the author at that time, including the morning news of CCTV on May 20, 2002 and the report of Shanghai Television, as well as two English programs of CCTV-4 on May 17, 2002. The original video used the popular RM streaming format at that time, but this time it was converted to MP4 format after 22 years. Although the clarity is rough, it also reflects the network situation at that time and the author's recording and editing level
Democratic Republic of East Timor formally was born
2002.5.20. ShanghaiTV (Invalid, only saved)
2002.5.20.CCTV-1 Morning news (Invalid, only saved)
2002.5.17 CCTV-4 English (Invalid, only saved)
At eleven o'clock in the morning same day, "the join declaration about establish diplomatic relations between China and East Timor" was signed by the Ministers of foreign affairs of the countries, China become first country for establish diplomatic relations with East Timor. Two Ministers of foreign affairs signed again " The economic and technical cooperation accord between PRC and East Timor" at the same day, this also is first economic and technical cooperation accord of East Timor. At 11 past 55 a.m.of the same day, China embassy in East Timor formal running. Twelve o'clock sharp, the five-starred red flag soar up in the sky of East Timor first time with sturdy ablaze China national anthem. Thereby Chinese three first in East Timor was created and loaded the history. 

At the asking of East Timor, China set up a ambassador level representative office in Sep.2000. Because difficult conditions in that time, the representative office have to put up the Olympia hotel where is to be rebuilt from a seacraft stopped in a seaside. I hope to get an autograph of the represent. I found the address and name of the represent from a website of China foreign affairs ministry, oh! Shao Guanfu. This is a familiar name. I look over my mail record, so he once is a ambassador in Mozambique. I ever asked his autograph in May 1998 (See 3-024). Now he was committed to under a new task for East Timor. In order to record the maritime diplomatic beachhead and the diplomatic relations before founding a state of East Timor, I sent the postcard for asking his autograph on Aug.10,2001 (See below, 148x100mm)  

Chinese three first in East Timor was created and loaded the history.
On Oct.26,2001, I suddenly received a letter inscribed by foreign affairs office of Jiangsu Province. I am thinking Who is this? I have some connection with them before retired, but I have retired for many years. I opened the letter with a wondering heart. This is a letter signed by Mr.W, he demand me to contact rapidly with him, because an articles of a represent in East Timor Mr. Shao Guanfu will be transmitted to me. I guess it maybe concern with my postcard, but I don't know why it gone to the Foreign affairs office of Jiangsu province? I gone to the office soon, Mr.W is a middle aged man, Sure enough he takes out that postcard and tell me, Represent Shao came to Jiangsu for research in a few days ago, Mr.w has been in the company of Mr. Shao. Mr.Shao hands over him this postcard before departure and asking him transmitting to me. Mr. Shao said, the postal route of East Timor is not too normal in that time, so he personally bring about this postcard for safety. I am very moved when I hear these words. I know that, in the diplomatic field, most important documents was passed by way of the messenger. In this time an ambassador acted as the messenger for such as a inappreciable bagatelle. I have never made his acquaintance, he is such earnest for this extra matter. why? This problem often appear before my heart.(See below) 
China set up a ambassador level representative office in Sep.2000. Because difficult conditions in that time, the representative office have to put up the Olympia hotel where is to be rebuilt from a seacraft stopped in a seaside.

According the arrival postmark of the postcard, the date for arrived Dili was on Aug.29,2001. The date of autograph by ambassador was Oct.8,2001. The date received this postcard in Nanjing was Oct.26,2001. Thus it can be known the stayed time of the postcard in Dili is about one month and more. Perhaps the ambassador has had a plan for return China and go to Nanjing long ago, Perhaps he remembers again the not yet handling postcard before departure, whatsoever case, he always bears in mind this matter in his busy diplomatic affairs. Why? There are a few ambassadors memoirs in my bookcase, I recall a read poem. I found out it at once, that is a poem wrote by former Chinese ambassador in Albania Fan Chengzuo, the title is " Return to Baoying" (Note: Baoying is a county of Jiangsu province, ambassador Fan is a native of Baoying), to the effect that: (See the book " Ambassadors elegant" P346, published by Jiangsu people press in Aug.1996)

As the saying goes the birds go on along journey cherish the memory of former woods,    People also said a man lived in a strange land often is anxious about his folks and townsman. Today I have returned my native place for make up a long cherished wish, it is a endless musing over memories and an attachment and devotion to my motherland.

See through the thinking of the poet and ambassador, I seem to find the answer. The Chinese national spirit cast by a historic culture for up and down five thousands years, it has engraved the pure heart of a newborn babe of the descendants of the Chinese Nation for age after age. No matter what in the remotest corners of the globe and at what time and under what circumstances, you will feel this summon as the loving mother and this warm as a kinsfolk and friend. This small postcard will keep and reflect this kind of perpetual and inexhaustible feeling by its impression and handwriting.

                The end eng2-020       Feb.24,2003 First draft                  

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