Below is English pages
1.A general catalog in English
2 Autographed postcards by famous persons
2-011-5 An autographed postcard by Israel President Weizman
9 My philatelic friends
9-1 My German friend
A valuable FDC through post from Liechtenstein
A warm friendship--The surprise and recall brought by Arena concert
100 years post office in Germering 1906 - 2006
Austrian donated flood stamp
2006 FIFA German world cup
Mr.Chilian's mail and E-mail
9-2 My Iranian friend and hers BAGHERI stamp institute
9-3 My Indian friend
The article of Indian friend 1,2,3,4....
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More 30 pieces autographed postcards by the chief of different states in the world. They showed a boundless charm of philatelic correspond round the world and friendly emotions of the statements for ordinary Chinese citizen......
The autographed postcards by Chinese ambassadors accredited at 158 countries and 52 consul,consul general, mirrored a rising abruptly and rapidly of China in the nations of the world. Theirs autograph, letter in reply, composed a poem,presenting as a gift, all reveled their sublime spirit for respecting work and strong patriotic and homesick feeling.....
A ordinary postcard when it was selected and used, it shouldered a carrier's important task. When it returned the homeland smoothly it recorded lots and lots of historic information and philatelic stories. I wish to tell everyone these stories, let you share the philatelic joys and understanding with me.....May be you will do it more and better.....
Appreciating, studying more philatelic historic information about the philatelic correspond round the world......