This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-020-9 My philatelic story about East Timor (9)
The result of the general election was announced on Apr.17,2002. Gusmao was elected the first president of East Timor in 82.69% of absolute predominance. Strange to say, although he was reputed as " The father of independence of East Timor", but he declares again and again he is reluctant to run for the president. The Associated Press (AP) said in a report sent from East Timor: " He has completed a evolve from a poet to a guerrilla commander and to again a famous politician". China TV stations also reported rapidly this news. Interested reader could click the icon ( below right) for watching a record of the TV ( Use the "Real Player" please or download it)  
Gusmao together with his wife and son"
Above: Left: 2002.4.18."China daily"  Middle: 2002.4.18." Nanjing morning paper" Right: 2000.4.18." Reference news"(The photo: Gusmao together with his wife and son"
In order to commemorate this important day and satisfy my philatelic hobby, my friend Mr.Zhao specially made a postcard in the thick of things for me (See below), and chose the sent date in May.22,2002 from Dili. I smoothly received this rare postcard.
Because of these characteristics, I believe it is one of the world's most unique and precious postcards, especially for East Timor and "UNTA ET".
It use a postcard issued by the "UNTAET--East Timor Public Administration" . Its back side is the police of East Timor (Graduation ceremony at the Police Academy, Dili, August 2001)
This a very important philatelic matter. It recorded the history by way of the philatelic way to the first presidential election process and the UNTAET'S officers participation and supervision of the process: (1) Its post date is second day (May 22, 2002) of the election (May 20, 2002), because the May 21,2002 is Sunday that day the post office in East Timor is not open for business. (2) It use UN'S stamp that is UN unique issued stamp for a country, and covered "20020522" despatching postmark. (3) Its word and photos show Gusmao and another president candidate's figure, and Ms. Zhao himself and special representative of UN Mr. Sergio de Mello (He Unfortunately died in an explosion in Iraq on Aug.19,2003 as special representative for Iraq of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Refer to following Video); (4) It use a postcard issued by the "UNTAET--East Timor Public Administration" . Its back side is the police of East Timor (Graduation ceremony at the Police Academy, Dili, August 2001) . Because of these characteristics, I believe it is one of the world's most unique and precious postcards, especially for East Timor and "UNTAET".
EN ROUTE TO BAGHDAD (Upload by the site to Potato site 3'30")
   A explanation about above postcard: This postcard is a unique postcard issued by UNTAET in East Timor. The mark "UNTAET" and UN's symbol was printed on the below left corner of the postcard. " NEW CENTURY, NEW NATION, NEW PEACE" on the above left corner, and also " Graduation ceremony at the police Academy, Dili, August 2001." ( It indicates a photo in the back). The left photos and explanation was typed by Mr.Zhao. The explanation is " It is announced officially on May.21,2002 that Mr.Xanana Gusmao has been elected as the 1st president of the Democratic Republic of East Timor. Photo 1: Mr.Gusmao and Mr.Francisco Xavier do Amaral, another presidential candidate in polling station on Apr.14, 2002; (Note: The photo was taken by Mr.zhao as a liaison officer of the general election) Photo 2: Zhao Yongge with Special Representative of Secretary General of UN, Mr. Sergie de Mello.  

The postcard has a important historic value because it is a unique, and its sent date and recorded by the characters and photos historic events, but most rare is a historic record that put down in writing a fact of the excellent young men and women dispatched by China directly partake in East Timor founding a state.  

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