This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-020-3 My philatelic story about East Timor (3)

While I continually bustle for another mail, the severe winter has left in a hurry, it has been May in the twinkling of an eye. The matter about East Timor was somewhat faded from my memory. Exceeding my expectation, a letter printed " XANANA GUSMAO " was delivered my postbox. Oh! This a envelop for Gusmao's special use! But 3 stamps stuck the envelop are Australia's stamps, postmark is not too clear ( The date is shown on Apr.24,2000 ). In back is handwriting: " Sender: Office of CNRT President Dili, East Timor E-mail: " (See below)( Note: CNRT is " National council of Timorese resistance")

Sender: Office of CNRT President Dili, East Timor E-mail:
My philatelic story about East Timor

I opened the precious envelop with great care, the postcard with Gusmao's autograph was appeared in face of mine. Gusmao is worthy of to have the good name of "poet", "painter", his sign is very art, mellow and full, smooth out and grace, making one doubly to feel cordial. It is more hard to come by that he not only autograph in a beforehand set apart place of the front of the postcard, and that he also autograph in the back on the photo that shows vice chairman Hu Jintao was shaking hands with him. His sincere emotion for China and Chinese people is effusive, makes one move (See below).

the postcard with Gusmao's autograph
in the back on the photo that shows vice chairman Hu Jintao was shaking hands with him
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