This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-020-2 My philatelic story about East Timor (2)

The independence of East Timor gone through a long and hardy course. Indonesia and Portugal proceeded ten odd round negotiation in UN's mediation since 1983, but without materiality progress. A political crisis took place in Indonesia in 1998. The new government of Indonesia expresses to allow a self-rule in East Timor. A referendum was held managed by UN in East Timor on Aug.30,1998, 78.5% East Timor dweller select independence. The UN transitive authority in East Timor (UNTAET) was established on Oct 25,1998. The chairman of the national council of Timorese resistance Xanana Gusmao won victory in presidential election on Apr.17,2002. East Timor officially declare to found a state on May 20,2002, Gusmao become first president. Gusmao was born in "LAREA" of East Timor, After Indonesia dispatches troops to occupy East Timor, as a leader of the revolution alignment of Timorese independence, he lead a guerrilla among jungle to fight bravely with Indonesia government army. He was arrested and was condemned to life imprisonment. He insists struggle in prison , gained a love and esteem of East Timor people and a extensive support of the international society, was reputed as " Mandela of East Timor". On Sep.3,1998, Indonesia new government released Gumsao because a mighty press of the international society and a strong demand of UN secretary-general Anan. This moment, East Timor is facing a massive sanguinary conflict. His father was just slain after two days since he was released from poison. He bears the grief for lost father's life, appeals a compromise between various factions of East Timor. Gumsao returned East Timor at October of this year. In order to win over a most support of the international society, he start his Asia journey for six countries in beginning of 2000.

The independence of East Timor gone through a long and hardy course

After I carefully read many moving reports about the rising star of political circles, taking this visiting opportunity made available to me to asking his autograph, Recording the friendly association between China and East Timor before East Timor state is officially founded, it is my matters in dream and sleep. I start again a new bustle. 

A important problem is the mail address. East Timor's situation is very grimness at that time. There is not themselves government, the maintenance of the social order depend on UNTAET and the peacekeeping force of UN. Gusmao's father was slain, his family members is not to know the whereabouts yet, his working place, mail address all are a unknown number. I have to make much search in Internet. Finally I confirm two plan, first is directly send to East Timor, the address is " His Excellency Mr. Xanana Gusmao, East Timor Consultative committee C/O UN East Timor transitive executive authorities Dili, East Timor " ( I know from Internet Gusmao is a member of the consultative committee ). The second route is by way of the embassy of the UK in Indonesia. Why is this way ? Because according some reports of newspapers, when Gumsao was release from prison on Sep.3,1998, East Timor is in a serious confusion, he ever shacks in the embassy of The UK for one month and more on safety account. I think the relations between he and the embassy must be very good terms , he must have some good friends there. Maybe they could give a hand. I want to chance my luck. At last I fount the address of the embassy and the name of the ambassador in the Internet ( Thanks the great Internet and also the website made by Britain Ministry of Foreign Affairs! It is very detailed ). I wrote a letter to the ambassador using my pidgin English (See below).

"Jakarta British Embassy Jalan M H Thamrin 75 Jakarta 10310

The content of the letter is:

"Jakarta British Embassy Jalan M H Thamrin 75 Jakarta 10310

Honorable Ambassador Robin Christopher,

Excuse me boldly write to you and beg a favor of you. I am a retired employee of Sinopec Jinling petrochem Nanjing China,as well as a philatelist for many years. Lately, Timorese independence leader Jose Alexandre Xanana Gusmao visited to China. His legendary political career and persistent dauntless spirit are admired by numerous ordinary Chinese. Today,I send a postcard to him for commemorating his visit in a philatelic form ( the address is same with this letter) . I don't know if he still stay temporality at your embassy, but I don't his new address yet. If he has left the embassy, I entreat a favor of you to pass this postcard on to him.

Kindly excuse me for troubling you in this matter. Enclosed a Souvenir Sheet ( " A screen wall with nine dragons " ) issued by China ( 2000 is " Dragon year" in China ). I hope you like it.

Don't laugh at me if I made mistake for English or other.

Yours very respectfully

Han-Webguang ( A Chinese ordinary citizen and aged philatelist) (Jan.30,2000)"



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