This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-003-4 A autograph postcard by Korea president Kim Dae-jung
  I am more concern to information about Kim Dae-jung after I got an autograph of Kim Dae-jung. Below is some photos downloaded by web at March 2001. (
a Kim Dae-jung's writing
Kim Dae-jung  Run for the presidency in 1992.
Kim Dae-jung Look over E-mail
Kim Dae-jung The first family group photo
Above:Run for the presidency in 1992.
Above:Look over E-mail
Above:The first family group photo
Presidential inauguration in 1997 Kim Dae-jung
The first lady Kim Dae-jung
The first fimaly Kim Dae-jung
Above:a Kim Dae-jung's writing
Above: Presidential inauguration in 1997
Above:The first lady

During the early summer of 2000, a news reverberated throughout the world was came out from Korea peninsula. Kim Dae-jung is about to visit Pyongyang after the peninsula was spilt for 55 years . He has started his icebreaker trip for pushing his "sunshine policy" . He accepted warmly passageway welcome of 600 thousands Pyongyang's citizens at Pyongyang . Kim jong-il personally go to airport to welcome him beyond all expectations. The Millions viewer of Two nations front TV excite, inspire, shout and jump for joy when the two leaders first warmly handshake moment. It reflect a eager desire looking forward unify of both north and south 70 millions Choson nation. The global newspapers reported a great lot news about it.

Above:2000.6.16. "GLOBAL TIME"
Above:2000.6.14."NANJING DAILY"
Above:2000.6.14."CHINA DAILY"
Above:2000.6.16."PEOPLE DAILY"
Above:2000.6.15."NANJING DAILY"
 In order to commemorate this important history, DPRK post issued a S.S.printed a a picture with Kim Jong-el and Kim Dae-jong handshake (See below):
An airmail registration entire cover Chinese consul General to Chongjin Liu Zhigang
issued by DPRK post in 2000
Above:An airmail registration entire cover ( Chongjin DPRK--Beijing CHINA) stuck the S.S. 220x110mm。Chinese consul General to Chongjin Liu Zhigang assist me to get this cover, hereby thanking him. Above:A S,S. issued by DPRK post in 2000 , 85x110mm.
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