This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-001-6 Study of the postcard autographed by King Sihanouk

For recording the fact of Chinese fight flood in China 1998 and the contribution of King Sihanouk to the flooding disaster area in China, I nerved myself to send a postcard for asking King's autograph. The postcard was wrote in French ( my friend Li translated it): " Votre Majeste Le Roi Norodom Sihanouk, Je suis un employe retraite d'un grand entreprise d'Etat a Nanjing de la Chine et aussi un philateliste de bien des annees. Les Chinois ordinaires, surtout ceux de ma geneation,et moi, nous avons ds grande admiration pour votre vie en luttant pour les affaires d'independance national de Cambodge. Au moment ou la Chine a subit un grave innondation catastrophique,I'information donne par les presse chinoises que vous avez fait un don en argent pour ces zones innondees nous a beaucoup touche de nouveaux(voir le copy attache a titre "le roi Norodom S ihanouk fait un don en argent. pour les zones innonnnudees de la Chine"). pour portert secours aux sinistres, on publie aujourd'hui un group de timbres(comme colle en cette carte). pour noter a jamis votre sincere affection pour le peuble chinois et deployer la bonne relation de Sino-Cambodgien cooperation amicale je vous prie de faire la signature autographe en cette carte et renvoyer a moi pour que la collectionner comme un precieux donnee historique de philatelie. veuillez agree mes sincere remerciements Je vous souuhaite de bonne sante et longevite un philateliste chinois age de 61 an Han Wen Guang Sep.10,1998."

At that time, the news papers reported that the political situation in Cambodia was in trouble caused by the general election. King maybe lived at Palace in Siemreab. To test my lucky, I sent the postcard to the address: His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk King residential palace Siemreab, Cambodia (see 2-001-1)

News showed that the turbulence was exacerbated quickly at that time.7 September the house of the second premier of Cambodia was damaged by the explode, 9 September the blood conflict took place between the police and the demonstrator. At same time, King was busy to mediate the severe antagonize of parties. Can the King receive my postcard? Can King autograph for a small potato as me?...I almost negated myself.

A "miracle" appeared on Oct.7.! I received King's reply from Cambodia at last. When I doubtfully opened it, I saw my postcard like the ambassador sent by me and a beautiful signature on it. Oh! Sihanouk! Below was a line of small French words, "Roi du Cambodge". You can image how exciting my heart was. In this case. I was wondering whether the signature was real. In order to confirming the sign, I sought many books and information. I received late a letter of King (see2-001-7).I was sure in the end, This was exactly King's autograph!(See below pictures) I was so lucky to get it.

Several sign writing of King SIHANOUK: Several sign writing of King SIHANOUK: Several sign writing of King SIHANOUK:

Several sign writing of King SIHANOUK:

Above-left:"KING SIHANOUK" Author YANGMU(1996). Above-middle: The postcard autogaaphed by King. Above-right: Autographed letter by King to me (1998. see eng2-001-7) Left-below: A photo selected by a monument of "The peace holy poetry of head of hundred countries" located Dalian "The world peace park" built in August 2002. (Click here for browse relative report) .An autograph of King is in below-rigth corner. Below-middle: A enlarged picture of the autograph. Right-below:"The world countries leaders that I associated with " Author SIHANOUK(1997. See eng2-001-5)

Several sign writing of King SIHANOUK:
Several sign writing of King SIHANOUK: Several sign writing of King SIHANOUK:
  2002.9.14.Nanjing TV station had an interview with King SIHANOUK who is staying at Beijing for routine health inspection in the time. When covering end,there is a paragraph scene autographed by King for taken as a memento.See below picture: at left are 3 cut out pictures,at right are TV recorder and a report from newspaper. (The full length documentary film "Deng-Yingchao" has been released in Feb.1,2004-- 100 anniversary of birthday of Deng Yingchao. The film is warmly received by the audience. A detailed report is in Nanjing daily in Feb.6,2004. Click here for browse a photo of this report)
Several sign writing of King SIHANOUK:
Several sign writing of King SIHANOUK:
Several sign writing of King SIHANOUK:


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The autographed time and violent turbulent situation 

Two arrival marks on the postcard were Phnom Penh(middle picture)6.09.98.and Siemreap Angkor(left),SIEMREAP ANGKOR) 22.09.98.There were two send marks on the cover of King's reply. One of them was more clear,(right),the date was 25.09.98, the area seemed "BOENGPRALIT", what place I don't know? But the date was clear. According to the newspaper, the King was convening " Khmen summit meeting" at Sep.22-24 in Siemreap for solve the turbulent situation. Thereby I can judge that King's autograph and reply was made in Siemreap between Sep.22-25.This point is very important for below study.
Two arrival marks on the postcard were Phnom Penh(middle picture)6.09.98.and Siemreap Angkor
Two arrival marks on the postcard were Phnom Penh(middle picture)6.09.98.and Siemreap Angkor
the King was convening " Khmen summit meeting" at Sep.22-24 in Siemreap for solve the turbulent situation. Thereby I can judge that King's autograph and reply was made in Siemreap between Sep.22-25.This point is very important for below study.
King SIHANOUK's important national affairs activities around Sep.22-25,1998.
King SIHANOUK's important national affairs activities around Sep.22-25,1998.

King SIHANOUK's important national affairs activities around Sep.22-25,1998.

Sep.1. The result of general election of Cambodia was announced, The opposition parties organized strong protest actions and the demonstration in the street.

Sep.7-11.Explosion took place in CAMBODIA's second premier HUN SEN's home. Bleeding conflict took place between military and demonstrator. King Sihanouk published announce to appeal the accommodate, and he declare that he will give up the throne if the crisis still not resolve.  (Left-1 1998.9.15. PEOPLE DAILY.       Reght-11998.9.12.CHINA DAILY.        Left-2 1998.9.7.PEOPLE DAILY)

Sep.16.The FUNCINPEC party president NORODOM RANARIDDH announce that the party agree to attend the conference of the national assembly after his meeting with King.    (Right-2 picture, NORODOM RANARIDDH and his father King SIHANOUK are in front of SIEMREAP's King residence palace 1998.9.17.PEOPLE DAILY) 

Sep.17.An announcement autograph by King publish he is going to convening "Khmen summit meeting" on Sep.22 and " national assembly" on SIEMREAP

Sep.22. The Khmen summit meeting presided by King gained positive achievement, three major parties agree to compose coalition government.                (Left-3 1998.9.23.LIBERTY DAILY     Right-3 1998.9.25.CHINA DAILY HUN SEN and RANARIDDH in SIEMREAP)

Sep,24.The national assembly presided by King hold on schedule in SIEMREAP.(A event raiding HUN SEN by rocket took place in the morning)

Oct.5. King SIHANOUIK arrived PHNOM PENH (Right-4 1998.10.7.CHINA DAILY)

Nov.12-13. Under King's preside,t he leaders of CAMBODIA's two major parties held meeting and gainned surmount. Two parties agree that composing coalition government taking HUN SEN as premier, RANARIDDH take up the post of the chairman of national assembly.    (Left-4. 1998.11.14. PEOPLE DAILY)

Nov.26.SIHANOUK appoint HUN SEN premier of CAMBODIA KINGDOM government       (Left-4. 1998.11.28. PEOPLE DAILY)

Nov.30. The second CAMBODIA KINDOM government taking HUN SEN as premier declare to found                     (Left-4. 1998.12.1. PEOPLE DAILY     Below-5 1999.3.26. CHINA DAILY)

The FUNCINPEC party president NORODOM RANARIDDH announce that the party agree to attend the conference of the national assembly after his meeting with King.
The Khmen summit meeting presided by King gained positive achievement, three major parties agree to compose coalition government.                (Left-3 1998.9.23.LIBERTY DAILY
The national assembly presided by King hold on schedule in SIEMREAP.(A event raiding HUN SEN by rocket took place in the morning)
King SIHANOUIK arrived PHNOM PENH (Right-4 1998.10.7.CHINA DAILY)
Under King's preside,t he leaders of CAMBODIA's two major parties held meeting and gainned surmount. Two parties agree that composing coalition government taking HUN SEN as premier, RANARIDDH take up the post of the chairman of national assembly.
SIHANOUK appoint HUN SEN premier of CAMBODIA KINGDOM government       (Left-4. 1998.11.28. PEOPLE DAILY)
The second CAMBODIA KINDOM government taking HUN SEN as premier declare to found

Spirit feelings

After you carefulness studied the date of the autograph by king and the jeopardy political situation of CAMBODIA in that period, I think that everyone all will bring a spirit feeling and plaint!

The time my postcard stayed in SIEMREAP was Sep.22-25,1998. Just this is nervousest time for king SIHANOUK. While CAMBODIA nation is faced with break, King again made huge contribution taking his high prestige and art of managing state affairs for CAMBODIA nation, his busyness and tight is imaginable. Do you know? KING has been advanced age of 76 and suffered from a serious illness! But he still autograph for a ordinary Chinese citizen in that time. Why is this? I frequently ponder the problem at night when all is still. I look at those stamps with King's portrait--from a brilliant and handsome young man until a grey- headed old man, he represented one era of one nation--This is his life struggling for CAMBODIA national independence. I read over many books, information about him, I was aware of King's warmly feeling for CHINA and hers people and I personal strong experienced this kind feeling. Honour King SIHANOUK, I sincerely wish you good health and a long life, wish your country will move towards a broad road to national revive, reappearing the brilliant and splendid ANGKOR civilization in the nations of the world!

All web pages of 2-001 was translated by my friend Express gratitude hereby!
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