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C-SIRAJ-004 印度邮友 Dr.Siraj 的系列邮文-004

者注: 印度邮友 Dr.Siraj 应本站之约,将为本站读者写一些介绍印度集邮情况的文章,这是他寄来的第四篇,希望对此有兴趣的邮友可以得到一些收获.原文是英文,本站作了简单的翻译.如果您有兴趣还可以点击这里浏览相应的英文网页 .Dr.Siraj的E-mail是: siraj_ad@yahoo.co.in


150th Anniversary Of Indian Postal Dpt

It was 1st October 1854, when first postage stamp was released for people of undevided India with
postal network of 701 post offices.

The postal service established from this day was a convenient & affordable way for every citizens to convey door to door messeges. Till that day this service was reserved for State officials Only. Stamp released on this day was useful across whole India & charged according to weight of Parcel and not according to Distance. This Postal facility bought revolution in life of people & became one of the major factor in Social development.

According to history, in India Postal system was existing in era of King Maurya but,well organised postal system established by British Govt. by Lord Clive in 1776 & boost up by Warren Hastings, who established GPO at calcutta in 1774,Madras in 1786 & Bombay in 1793. Major interest for estd. of British postal
system was confidential, smooth & fast governance in favour of british Govt. so Post office Act was passed
in 1837 which bring all three precidencies into one all-India Service.

In Year 1854, Post office Act was reformed to provide monopoly to british Govt. for conveyance of
letters.Railway & sea mail service also started in this year as per provision of this act. First sea-mail
service was introduced from India to China & Britain. Mail order service started in 1877 & money
order service for delivering money at doorstep was estd. in 1880.Post office savings bank started in 1882
which made banking facility accessible to all. As a result, by 1908, 635 princely states was provided with british postal service out of 650.Remaining 15 princely states like Hyderabad, Gwalior, Jaipur, Travancore have their own Postal System & they didn't cast their post with Indian Post office.Postal system of these 15 states were merged with Indian Postal Dpt. only after Indipendance.

Now a days, after 150 Years of Indian postal Dpt., It became largest postal network with over 1,55,000,
retail outlets in every region of country.It also run parrellel with modernisation & focus is now on
computerising the network to improve governance & to enhance E-based services like E-post.

In the era of Compitition & Globelisation,Indian Postal Dpt. didn't forgot its responcibility towards Common man & there by to nation by providing its services at compatitively low rate.

Since last decade, Dpt. also doing well in field of philatelly by active efforts to increse interest of people in this field, presenting colourful face of India on Commemorative stamps.

These set of four commemorative stamps shows differant mile stones of India posts.


 根据历史记载,印度邮政在 Maurya 王朝时就已经存在,但是一个有良好组织系统的邮政还是在英政府统治时期。 Lord Clive 和 Warren Hastings 先后于1774年在加尔格答,1786年在马德拉斯,1793年在孟买建立了GPO。在英国政府的管理下的邮政系统是快捷,安全和机密的。1837年起这种邮政系统在全印得到推广。
 在1854年,这种邮政运作进行了改革以免为英国政府所独占。同年铁路和海运也开始加入了邮政运作。1887年,第一次从印度到中国和英国的海运邮件被开通。1880年开通了上述国家之间的汇款业务。1882年开办了邮政储蓄业务。到1908年,在650个州(princely states) 中已有635个提供了这种服务,剩下的15个州直到印度独立之后才被融入印度邮政系统。
 译者的话:Siraj 先生介绍的这套印度邮票的设计和制作是非常杰出的,小小的四张邮票涵盖了印度邮政的150年巨大变化,从殖民地邮政到现代化的邮政,从驿马车到电子化,而其中令我最为赞谈和感动的是在第二枚中的那位邮差的形像,你看他手持长矛,油灯,肩背邮袋,弓步昼夜急行的姿态,令人过目难忘。虽然时值21世纪的今天,除去边远山区之外,像这样辛苦甚至危险的邮差已经很少了(但的确还是有,不久前我就在电视中看到过在山区坚守岗位20多年的一位邮政工人的事迹报道),但这种敬业的精神,奋进的气概将永远激励人们而不朽。
 Siraj先生希望和广大的中国邮友加强联系并经常交换邮票(新的,盖销的均可)。您如有意联系,请给以下地址 siraj_ad@yahoo.co.in  用英文发送E-mail即可
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