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C-SIRAJ-001 印度邮友 Dr.Siraj 的系列邮文-001

编者注: 印度邮友 Dr.Siraj 应本站之约,将为本站读者写一些介绍印度集邮情况的文章,这是他寄来的第一篇,希望对此有兴趣的邮友可以得到一些收获.原文是英文,本站作了简单的翻译.如果您有兴趣还可以点击这里浏览相应的英文网页 .

Dr.Siraj的E-mail是: siraj_ad@yahoo.co.in

150 Years of Railways in India (原稿为英文)

Railways have been a great integrating force in India since long. After the independence of india in 1947, It has brought together people from the farthest corners of the country. It has bound the economic life of the country and helped in accelerating the development of industry and agriculture. Railway had made possible the conduct of business education, pilgrimage and tourism.

The history of Railways in India began on 16th April 1853. when the first train started from Boribunder to Thane by help of steam engine, covering a distance of 34 kilometers only. but then after the Indian Railways had not looked behind & now indian railway grown into a large network of 7,000 stations spread over a route length of nearly 63,000 kms. Today it is one of the largest organizations in the world, employing a 16 lakh people.
Now a days, Indian railway is main route of transport for people & Goods. Each day about 7500 passenger trains carry more than 11 million passengers in different parts of the country

The Railway network runs multi gauge operations (Broad gauge, meter gauge & narrow gauge).The network is divided into nine zones. Seven new zones and nine new divisions are further being set up.

On remembering a sweet memories of first 34 Kms. run of our beloved rail after 150 years, means 150'" anniversary of India's first train journey which falls in 2003,this commemorative stamp & miniature sheet was released by Indian postal Dpt.

This stamp shows painting of the Indian landscape of 1853, with the first train running in the distance on its 1st journey to Thane on the l6'" of April.

cancellation mark

Design of the first day cancellation mark shows a station master's watch displaying the time when the train commenced its historical journey from Bombay (Boribunder).




印度铁路的历史开始于1853年4月16日.那时,第一列蒸汽机车从 Boribunder (孟买) 开到 Thane,行程仅仅是34公里.从那以后,印度铁路已经得到了很大的发展,现在,它已经拥有7,000个车站,遍布全国的铁路网总长达到了63,000 km。 它已成为当今世界上最大的组织之一,雇员达到160万人。在印度,铁路是旅客与货物的主要运输方式。 每天大约有7500列旅客列车在这个国家的不同的地区运行,运送的旅客超过1100万人.

印度铁路是在多轨标准下运行的,(宽规,窄轨和米制轨)。铁路网被划分成为九个区。 七个新的地区和九个新的部门正在进一步建立中。


Design of the first day cancellation mark shows a station master's watch displaying the time when the train commenced its historical journey from Bombay (Boribunder).
 Siraj先生希望和广大的中国邮友加强联系并经常交换邮票(新的,盖销的均可)。您如有意联系,请给以下地址 siraj_ad@yahoo.co.in  用英文发送E-mail即可
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