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C-SIRAJ-002 印度邮友 Dr.Siraj 的系列邮文-002

编者注: 印度邮友 Dr.Siraj 应本站之约,将为本站读者写一些介绍印度集邮情况的文章,这是他寄来的第二篇,希望对此有兴趣的邮友可以得到一些收获.原文是英文,本站作了简单的翻译.如果您有兴趣还可以点击这里浏览相应的英文网页 .

Dr.Siraj的E-mail是: siraj_ad@yahoo.co.in


This cancellation mark is available for only those postal articles, which are posted at 'Gandhi ashram post office of Ahmedabad,'- A world famous place of Mahatma gandhi's memorial.

As you know Mahatma gandhi is known as 'Father of our nation'.who played leading role for freedom of India. In memory of Gandhiji about 72 contries had released stamps & other philatelic meterials worldwide, which itself is record

This special cancellation mark shows CHARKHA. which is a two wheel mechanism on which thread can prepared
from row cotton,which is finally used to prepare KHADI- A typical variety of cotton cloth.

Khadi & charkha was very much liked by Gandhiji & he was believing that by involving people,specially of
village level, in khadi making activity on chby itself in itself.



这是一枚特殊的盖销邮戳,它只有在从“艾哈艾德巴德(AHMEDABAD)圣雄甘地邮局”-- 世界著名的圣雄甘地纪念馆的所在地--邮寄信件时才能得到。




 Siraj先生希望和广大的中国邮友加强联系并经常交换邮票(新的,盖销的均可)。您如有意联系,请给以下地址 siraj_ad@yahoo.co.in  用英文发送E-mail即可
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