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My Iranian philatelic friend and BAGHERI stamp institute

Ms.Bagheri is my Iran's philatelic friend. She was introduced for me by my German philatelic friend Mr.Chilian in 1997. She can use German and English. Hers father is operating the BAGHERI stamp institute at Tehran. Iran is a country with an ancient civilization with a history for 5000 years. It was called "Persia" at ancient, abound in oil and gas, the Persian carpet is well-known throughout the world. Iran is a near neighbour with China. The famous silk road just is pass through Persia, Babylon(Iraq) and arrive the Roman Empire (Turkey). China and Iran have thousand and one links in history. The top leaders of two countries paid mutual visiting in late years. China and Iran joint issued the stamp "A Belfry and A Mosque" on April 15,2003.( See below picture). The relations of countries is enhancing more and more. I believe that Chinese philatelist will pay close attention to Iranian stamps more and more. So, I hope to introduce the BAGHERI stamp institute by way of this web site for numerous philatelist. The BAGHERI stamp institute also wishes to exchange or deal stamps with Chinese philatelists.

The mail address: BAGHERI stamp institute, Post box 14335/769 TEHRAN, IRAN


Telephone: (98)6930500 - 6436941 

Click the picture1 and picture2 sent by them please if you are interested in it. I will one after another show some post items that was mutual exchange with Ms. Bagheri from now on yet.

Above: First day postcard from China to Iran
Above: A FDC issued by Iran
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This website was founded in 2003
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