This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


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My German philatelic friend-005 "The postcards sent in tour"
Mr. Chilian likes tour very much, he and his family almost go to abroad a few time for tour by car every year, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy.....The tour become an important part in his live. He is even more relaxed after retired this year. In September 2004, He started his bus tour of America and Canada for 15 days with his wife. Mr. Chilian had worked 13 years in America when he is young, this tour both to remember past times and for his wife (She only gone to west coast of America, this time they will go to east coast ). They fly from Munchen to New York directly, then start their visit by a organized bus. First Philadelphia, then Washington, Buffalo (Niagara Falls), then enter Canada and go to Toronto, Ottawa, Montrael, Quebec back to USA to New Hampshire (White mountains) to Boston and back to NYC. Whole journey is about 4000 KM and more ten cities. This is a well-knit programme. But Mr Chilian doesn't forget his philately activity. He continuously sent the postcards from one city to other city. He said in a E-mail: "As always my first visit is always a post office and this time all employees of the post were very cooperative and friendly - that`s how I got all the stamps and very good cancellations". This is a very good idea and custom, if you form this habit from young, you will get a huge fortune, philatelic, cultural, historical, spirited...... Below are some mail he sent:
a postcard sent from Philadelphia
a postcard sent from Philadelphia
Above: a postcard sent from Philadelphia
Above: Same left side (back)
a letter sent from Ottawa
a letter sent from Ottawa
Above: a letter sent from Ottawa
Above: Same left side (back)
a postcard sent from New York
a postcard sent from New York
Above: a postcard sent from New York
Above: Same left side (back)
a postcard sent from New York
a postcard sent from New York
Above: a letter sent from New York
Above: Same left side (back)
a postcard sent from UN
a postcard sent from UN
Above: a postcard sent from UN
Above: Same left side (back)

a letter sent from UN, there is a Chinese paint in watercolor titled "Spring" in the envelop in the envelop


a letter sent from UN, there is a Chinese paint in watercolor titled "Spring" in the envelop in the envelop
Below is an enlarged word from below-left corner of the envelop
Above: a letter sent from UN, there is a Chinese paint in watercolor titled "Spring" in the envelop in the envelop
Above: Same left side (back), Below is an enlarged word from below-left corner of the envelop
Mr.Chilian just back home from USA, he didn't rest for a few days , start again his new journey. He drove 800KM to go to Disneyland resort of Paris with his wife and daughter. Below is a postcards sent from the Disneyland. It seems his young daughter's sign "FABIOLA" and two small mark in below left corner of the postcard (See a enlarged image
A postcard sent from Disneyland of Paris
A postcard sent from Disneyland of Paris
A postcard sent from Disneyland of Paris
Above: A postcard sent from Disneyland of Paris
Above: Same left, below is a enlarged image
In June 2005. Mr. Chilian sent 2 postcards from Arco of Italy. The images of postcards are scene beside the Garda lake. I have known he have an old friend in Arco, he and his family often go to there about every year for vacation. the scene and environment in these pictures are extreme charming. I once visited other mountain city Bergamo on the foot of the Alps where is about 100 KM distant in west side from Garda lake in July 1994 for business. The air is such pure and fresh, gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, the streets, buildings almost are spotlessly clean, the fresh flowers was draped in windowsill. People who are live here are so happiness! If only the people of worldwide all would live like this life in the future!
the position of Garda lake. It is between Milano and Venezia. South is the historic famous city Verona. The Munchen
A detail map of Garda lake. The above red frame is Arco (The postcards sent by here); middle frame is Malcesine; Below is Verona
Above: the position of Garda lake. It is between Milano and Venezia. South is the historic famous city Verona. The Munchen (Mr. Chilian's home) is about 300KM distant in north from Garda lake. The Bergarmo where I once visited is in west of the lake
Above: A detail map of Garda lake. The above red frame is Arco (The postcards sent by here); middle frame is Malcesine; Below is Verona (The sourceland of the story "Roméo et Juliette")
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