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eng2-011-2 An autographed postcard by Israel President Weizman
In order to record this visit of the president who has a strong character in a philatelic form, I sent a postcard for asking his autograph after third day when he left China ( May 3,1999)(See below) There is a copy of report about he appeal to push the peace course on the postcard ( Take from " China daily " Apr.22,1999)  
An autographed postcard by Israel President Weizman
An autographed postcard by Israel President Weizman

The content of the postcard is below:

"Respected President Ezer Weizman, Excuse me boldly write to you. I am a Chinese retired employee of Sinopec Jinling petrochem corp. in Nanjing China,as well as a philatelist for many years. Lately, On Apr.25-May 1 you paid a successful visit to China. Your visit turn over a new chapter of history for set up a friendly cooperative relations oriented towards th 21st century between China and Israel. Although the distance is remote between China and Israel, but numerous ordinary Chiness concern themselves with the peaceful process of the Middle East. As the head of state and a Israeli senior statesman in the military and political circles, under your push forward, the peaceful process must continue and achieve. In order to remember this important visit in a philatelic form, so that to leave a precious historic information for 30 million Chinese philatelists and the peoples of both countries, I earnest hope you could autograph this postcard (verso) at your leisure in side of your busy affairs of the state and mail it back to me, as a perpetual philatelic treasure. Looking forward to you kind help.   Pray accept my best and sincerest wishes    A Chinese retired philatelist   Han Wenguang (May 2,1999)"

Just is in 13th day (May 19) after I sent the postcard, I received Israeli reply. There is a seven branch candlestick mark ( Israeli national emblem mark) on the envelop. I opened the envelop, the postcard with Weizman's autograph returned my side in a unusually speed.(See below)
An autographed postcard by Israel President Weizman

The sign of President is very vigorous and forcible, it appears a straightforward bold and uninhibited character of a veteran warrior Who have experienced all sorts of hardships, and fill with warmly support for a ordinary philatelist of foreign country. Nevertheless the reply speed is even more make all feel surprise , Below-left is a despatching postmark--Nanjing 1999.05.03, green triangle mark should be a mark of incoming dispatches of Israeli presidential palace--1999.05.11, below-right is a reply despatching postmark--1999.05.12. That is to say the stayed time in the presidential palace of the postcard is only one day (24-32 hours)!

Israel is called "A smallest superpower in the world", it is situating in a similar war surroundings, as a president of this nation must handle a large day-to -day work, his busy is imaginable. A ordinary letter should be to pass register of incoming dispatches, inspect of office ( I think many letters will be stop, perhaps I am very luck one!) submit of a secretary, write an official comment or autograph of president, return the office, mail letter.....such and such order are completed inside one day, This is accidental or inevitable ? Up to now, I still often think deeply this problem when I browse this precious philatelic historic information.( I don't Know if GUINNESS has a record about the field, of course a record made intentionally is not within the rule ).

An autographed postcard by Israel President Weizman
An autographed postcard by Israel President Weizman

I red a book by name " Israel--As riddle as a country"( The Chinese knowledge press, second edition in 1997). The writer submit such a problem:" The area of Israel is only 2/3 of Taiwan province of China(about 4 millions), the population is only as a city of China --Xian or Nanjing (about 20 thousands square kilometers).... but it again and again beaten Arab nations that total area is more 500 times as much as Israel and total population is 150 millions; In the short 40 years after found a state, its per-capita income reached 7600 U.S.D. Come out in 25th in all world, and could give pay to quite energy, What is the secret? Except some particular conditions of the international society, this book processed analysis from nation, history, religion, society, surroundings, military affairs, educate, science........ Two points of them maybe conducive to answer above problem: First one is all nation pays attention to educate and boost quality, second is a military spirit of a making pillow of theirs spear waiting for daybreak of the whole people has been formed in the surroundings of they find theirs hemmed in on every side. Weizman as a veteran warrior still keep a good armyman style, maybe this just is a explanation for why I am very luck besides his deep feeling for China People ! 

Small knowledge (Do you know?) About Israel

1.The whole world have about 20 millions Jew, only for 0.3 % of the whole world's population. This nation gave birth to Marx,Karl; Einstein, Albert; Freud Sigund; Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and so on great person. In the prize-winning persons of the procurer of the Nobel prize, the Jewish proportion up to 15%!        

2.Israel is a nation in it the natural resources is smallness and geography environment is adverse. About 2/3 area is desert in the whole nation. Its weather is desiccation, water source is extreme lack. The rainfall of every year is only 300-400mm. But they studies and invented a drip irrigation technology and new cultivating technology, thus its agriculture gained refulgence achievement, the outlet of agricultural products every year is about 2 billions U.S.D. It was reputed to " Europe's winter kitchen".

3 Israel is a unique nation in the world which area is continual change. Its border was called to "Be removing border". Its area is 14.9 thousands square kilometers according UN's resolution in 1947. After several large scale conflict between Arabia and Israel, its area become to 27.8 thousands square kilometer. Israeli capital was Tel Aviv in 1948, It moved the capital to Jerusalem after first Middle East war in 1950. And passed an act to declare the Jerusalem is a " lasting and impartible capital of Israel" in 1980. But because Arabia nations all along demand Israel evacuate all Arabia territory occupied by Israel from 1967, and include Arabia Jerusalem ( East Jerusalem ),therefore most nations ( include China, See 3-0 ) still set up its embassy in Tel Aviv.

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