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eng2-003-2 A autograph postcard by Korea president Kim Dae-jung
  Through carefully thinking, and received a enlighten of the book " My life My way-- Kim Dae-jung's autobiography" (See Below-left), I decide to use two particular stamps on my postcard for ask his autograph.
My life My way -- Kim Dae-jung's autobiography"
My life My way -- Kim Dae-jung's autobiography"
Above:" My life My way -- Kim Dae-jung's autobiography"( Chinese edition),Published by China foreign language press in 1998.
Above::1998.11.11.CHINA DAILY

Kim Dae-jung said in a foreword of his autobiography (Chinese edition): " My birthplace "HOYI" island is a small island , it is not far from Chinese east coast....when childhood.....I often listened, departing From "HOYI" island by boat for two hours,can reach RED island. In RED island, on every fine morning, Chinese crow voice can be transmitted to there from other side of the sea......So I think China is a not far nation...... In east Asia, the crow is considered to symbolize lucky. " My life, my way ", if it can make Chinese reader to think it is Korea's dawn crow, so I having no other requirement." From a implied meaning of this foreword, I stuck a "Chanticleer" (T-58)stamp issued on Jan.5.,1981.,( issued quantity is 9.31 million pieces, 26x31 mm ). In Chinese traditional culture, the Chanticleer is a bright representation and assiduous symbol. In the autobiography, it become a envoy for linking up friendly feelings between China and Korea, so to use this stamp is very fitness.

Other stamp is a " Opening of submarine optical cable system between China and Republic of Korea" (1995-27)stamp issued on Feb.8,1996.(See below 40x30mm), issued quantity is 51 millions. This is a set stamps issued commonly by China and Korea. Chinese Beijing TIANANMEN and Korea's Seoul CHONGLIMEN was drawn on the stamp (the CHONGLIMEN was built in 1398,It is reputed as a symbol of Korea. The stamp issued by Korea is in below-right). 

"Chanticleer" stamp
"Opening of submarine optical cable system between China and Republic of Korea"stamp
The same stamp issued by Korea
A sheet stamp issued by Korea(10 pieces every sheet)
T-58"Chanticleer" stamp 1995-27 "Opening of submarine optical cable system between China and Republic of Korea"stamp
The same stamp issued by Korea
A sheet stamp issued by Korea(10 pieces every sheet)
 After strenuous preparation,I sent my postcard on Nov.17,1998 when is third day since Kim Dae-jung left China( See below,165x102mm)
Respect President Kim Dae-jung

The postcard's content is below: " Respect President Kim Dae-jung: I am a Chinese retired employee of Sinopec Jinling petrochemical co. as well as a philatelist for many years. Excuse me boldly write to you. Your successful visit to China on 11-15 Nov.turn over a new chapter of history for two great nations, China and Korea to set up cooperative partner relationship to forward 21st century. Your autobiography " My life My way " has been published in China. Your legendary political career and persistent dauntless spirit are well known and admired by numerous Chinese people. In order to remember the historical visit and leave a precious philatelic record for 30 million Chinese philatelists and people of two countries, you are earnestly requested to autograph this card (verso) at your leisure inside of your affairs of state and mail it back to me. I am sincerely looking forward to your kind help. Best regards

Han Wenguang     A Chinese philatelist for 61 ages

Notes: The stamps:1.(1995-27)The submarine light cable opens between China-Korea(Joint issue by China-Korea) 2. (T58) Cockcrow for dawn break." . I also used a photo with President Jing Zemin and Kim Dae-jung kindly shake hands at a welcome ceremony on Nov.11,1998 in Beijing.

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