This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


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My German philatelic friend-012
2006 FIFA German world cup
The FIFA 2006 world cup match started on June 9, 2006 in Germany Munchen !
Mr.Chlian seizes the opportunity at threshold of himself house for his philately. He posted a number of postcards and mails and requests me to return them for his collection. I received his E-mail on Sep.8,2006, below is relative content:

Now to our hobby - STAMPS.

1) You received quite a lot of covers from the FIFA 2006. This was a mega-event in Germany and our PO did a lot for the collectors. They issued 12 different cards and 1 envelope. For each of the 12 cities they had a postcard and a special cancellation. We can send the mail for special cancellation to 3 special po`s -- Berlin, Bonn and Weiden. For the FIFA cancellations we only could get them in Weiden. They received tons of mail for cancelletion and I must say they did a nice job.

2) Visit of the POPE in Bavaria. This is also a big event - also for philelists. As you probably know he was born in small village in the south of Bavaria and is the first German pope since 450 years. Bavaria is very CATHOLIC (he is the pope for the catholic church) so a lot of people are trying to see him. He was a cardinal in Munich and very popular. He arrives on Munich and visits 4 different cities in around Munich before he returns to VATICAN CITY in Rome on 14.9.06. The PO also issues cards, letters and special cancellations.
You will receive another bunch of cards from me.

3) German - Austrian Philatelic meeting on 6.-8.10.06 in Bad Reichenhall. Another top event for Philatelists. Our stamp club will rent a bus to go there. You also get quite a number of cards, etc.

Enough for now. Please let me know if you need more details on the 3 events - perhaps you can use it in your web site.

Below are some about FIFA 2006 posted items mailed by Mr. Chilian
Mr. Chilian also sent some newspaper for me, even though I don't understand German, but I can understand its meaning, I believe you can so
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