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eng2-011-4 An autographed postcard by Israel President Weizman

With regard to Weizman's unforeseen event, beside pity and sympathize with him, I always hope to make a bit thing for him. I think he should be similar with ordinary person, he also need concern, support, he comes up against difficulties.....even if that is a inappreciable but just is a sincerely. I decide to write a letter for he, and enclosed a " Nine-Dragon screen " gold foil souvenir sheet that is my favorite. I think it will cause his nice recall for remoteness China, and it also is a suitable way for expressing a heart of a Chinese ordinary philatelist. This letter was sent after 8th day of Weizman declare that he will resignation within 6 weeks. (Jan.5,2000, see below-right)

Weizman will resignation within 6 weeks" 2000.5.28. "YOUNGTSE EVENING PAPER"
A letter to Weizman
Above:The title: "Weizman will resignation within 6 weeks" 2000.5.28. "YOUNGTSE EVENING PAPER"
Above:A letter to Weizman (Copy)

The content of the letter is below:

" Respected Your Excellency Mr. President Ezer Weizman,

Excuse me to write boldly to you again and I often make a mistake in English. Perhaps you still remember that I am a Chinese aged philatelist. I was greatly honored to get a postcard autographed by you after you paid a historic visit to China on Apr.25-May 1,1999. This is a very precious philatelic information. It express a friendly emotion of you and a country and nation represented by you to ordinary Chinese and her philatelists. It will certainly evoke sympathy of numerous Chinese philatelists and citizens. Even though you will resign the duty of a president soon, but your merits and achievements, especially your contribute to enhance the friendship between Israel and China will be kept in the heart of the peoples of both countries. In order to commemorate your visit to China, please allow me to send you a Chinese souvenir sheet--" Nine-dragon screen" and same postcards. This is a Chinese famous monument in Beijing. This year is a Chinese "Dragon year". If you put it on a desk,perhaps it could bring about your fine memories to distant China. Please accept it just as a small token of my inconsiderable hearts desire.

Pray accept my sincerest and best wishes

Respectfully yours      Han-Wenguang


It is very pleasure that I received a reply letter of the director general of Israeli presidential office Mr. Arieh Shomer on Jan.22,2000.( See below left)
a reply letter of the director general of Israeli presidential office Mr. Arieh Shomer on Jan.22,2000
a reply letter of the director general of Israeli presidential office Mr. Arieh Shomer on Jan.22,2000
The sending date of this letter is 8th day after I sent my letter, still is a speed that makes all wonder. Its content is " Dear Mr. Han-Wenguang, On behalf of President Weizman, I wish to thank you very much indeed for your kind letter, the Chinese souvenir sheet and postcards. Your courteous gesture and thoughtfulness are very much appreciated. With best wishes, yours sincerely Amb. Arieh Shomer (Jerusalem, 13th June,2000)"


three years has passed in a wink since 2000, Weizman grand old man should be the advanced age of 79. I open a TV in the morning, I see Palestine and Israeli children all started a new session in a program of international news. In Al-Khalil, the way of Palestine children was turned back by Israeli tank; In Jerusalem, Israeli children protected by guardsman uneasy walk up to their schoolyard.......Peace,Peace, a human common voice over the past thousands years, what time it can really arrive the world ? Just as a title of an article that is a remembering Weizman wrote by previous China ambassador in Israel Mr. Wang-Changyi---" gain peace is difficulty more than gain war" (Selected from "Global time" Aug.8,2002, see below) 


gain peace is difficulty more than gain war


Respected Israeli seventh president Mr.Weizman,I sincerely wish you good health and a long life, and achieves your an unfulfilled wish at an early date, make Jew and Arabia children together live below a blue sky, beat swords into ploughshares, together build a happy future!

                  ( The end eng2-011,   first draft  Jan.25,2003 )                    

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