This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-007-4 An autographed postcard by the Belgium Premier
Except for an autographed postcard by Premier Dehaene, there also are a photo with sign and a letter paper signed by Dehaene. (See below)
A photo with sign
A letter paper signed by Dehaena
Above: A photo with sign
Above:A letter paper signed by Dehaena

The reply content is:

"Dear Mr.Han Wen Guang,

I would like to send you my warmest thanks for the kind letter you have sent me.

Please accept the enclosed signed photograph in token of my recognition.

Your sincerely

Jean-Luc DEHAENE Prime Minister (Brusseles, 27.11.1998)" 

All reply type is similar to Switzerland (See eng2-004-3) and more warmly and friendly.

Below is a few sign of Premier Dehaene.

A letter paper signed by Dehaena
A letter paper signed by Dehaena
A letter paper signed by Dehaena
Above:A sign on the postcard
Above:A sign on the letter paper
Above: A sign on the photo

Five years has passed in a wink since 1998. I haven't saw any report about Dehaena since he resign The society still is developing, Life still is going on, China and Belgium jointly issued "Ceramic" stamp on Jun 9,2001, the Interbrew beer company jointed venture by China and Belgium is expanding, the friendly relations between China and Belgium has entered a new stage. Many things have been faded from people's memory, but some things are still fresh in people's memory. I have step into retired life since 1998, I often go to Xuanwu lake park for walk or exercise. There is a sculpture called "Xiang Yu lift a tripod" (See below), record and narrate a Chinese famous historic story about a hero and his heroic spirit that whelms the heaven and earth before more two thousands years ( The "HAN" Dynasty ). I don't know why I always recall the figure of the Premier Dehaene lift the beer box whenever I watch the sculpture. Gradually, I seem again to understand a lot of philosophy. Although one is a leader of the peasant uprising before more two thousands years, other one is a premier of west state in the present age. But theirs thinking mode is similar. It is just that they all exert theirs heart and strength to the utmost for theirs cause. Respected Mr.Dehaene, I sincerely wish you once more make a new contribution for a happy life of Belgium people and the friendship between China and Belgium.

a sculpture called "Xiang Yu lift a tripod
a sculpture called "Xiang Yu lift a tripod
           2-007 The End        Jan.13,2003 First draft
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