This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


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My German philatelic friend-009
A Christmas card and postcards
On Dec.23,2005, I received a mail sent by Mr.Chilian, when it was opened, I saw a Christmas card with a photo of Mr.Chilian's family. I have got the approval of Mr.Chilian,publish it here
Above:The Christmas card
Above: The enlarged part
We can look that Mr.Chilian's family is very happy. He and his wife are very health,and theirs little daughter is very pretty and lovely, she has finished basic school and enter highschool that is a girls school run by the city of Munich, she will grow to womanhood before long. Mr.Chilian also especially tell me, the photo was taken in a musical theatre in his hometown FUSSEN, the musical theatre is about the life of the so-called fairy tales king LUDWIG II. of Bavaria. He built 3 castles one of them is the famous castle NEUSCHWANSTEIN near FüSSEN. Mr. Chilian once mentioned these places time and again (see here), we can feel his ardently love for himself hometown and a proud of these history. Below are some images (From here)for your reference;
Below:king LUDWIG II and relative two famous persons: Bismarck(left) and Musician Richard Wagner(right)
Bismarck (in 1889)
LUDWIG II(1845-1886) (Photographer: Joseph Albert,1865)
Musician Richard Wagner(1813~1883)
As a philatelic long friend, Mr. Chilian also enclose two postcards for my collection. They are the first day of postcard with the stamps join issued by China and Liechtenstein on May 18,2005.(See here) The mailed date is June 2,2005 from Bonn
Above:Liechtenstein-Museum Wien
Above: Beijing Palace Museum
Above: Two postmarks in the postcards
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