This website was founded in 2003. This revision retains its original appearance as a commemoration


eng2-013-2 An autographed postcard by New zealand Premier Shipley
In order to asking an autograph of the Premier Shipley, I sent my postcard on July 20,1999 when is second day after Shipley came to China (See below-right). Besides the jointly issued " Flowers" stamp, I also stuck 2 pieces stamps--"1996-12 The children life" ( Below-left)
Above: 1996-12 "The children life" 4 pieces for 1 set. June 1, 1996 issued Issued quantity is 22 millions sets every piece 40x27mm Left:(4-1) ”Gladness voice", Right(4-3) "The antarctic pole research ".   

The content of the postcard is below : " Respected Your Excellency Prime Minister Jenny Shipley, Excuse me boldly write to you. I am a Chinese retired employee of Sinopec Jinling petrochem corp. in Nanjing China, as well as a philatelist for many years. Lately, you paid a important working visit to China on Jul.19-21. Your visit brings about the people's friendship of New Zealand to China. The bilateral relations between both countries have made considerable headway since established diplomatic relations on Dec. 22,1972, Both countries jointly issued "Flowers" stamps on Oct,9,1997. President Jiang will visit your country in Sep.this year. The meeting of economic cooperative organization of Asia and Pacific will be convened in your country. In order to record and exhibit this important visit in a philatelic form, so that to leave a precious historic information, I earnest hope you could autograph this postcard stuck "Flower" stamps (verso) at your leisure beside busy affairs of state and mail it back to me,as a perpetual philatelic treasure. I looking forward to your kind help.   Pray accept my best and sincerest wishes     A Chinese retired philatelist for 62 ages     Han Wanguang "

I received a letter from New Zealand Premier Office on Aug.5,1999. " O.H.M.S." and " ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE" was printed on the envelop. It is said that the " O.H.M.S." is a mark of frank envelope( free postage) for an official letter in Britain ( Maybe include some countries of the British Commonwealth ). But I don't know why there are 3 stamps on the envelop. I guess maybe it is a outdated envelop so that have to add stamps. This guess remain to be textual researched  
  There is a autographed postcard by Premier Shipley and a her photo with sign in the reply letter.(See below)
It give me a deeply impression two writing characters on the postcard and photo. " With find memories of China and Best wishes. Prime Minister of New Zealand (signature)" is on the postcard.(See below-left) Other is on the photo " To Han Wenguang, With best wishes   Prime minister of New Zealand 1999."( See below-right, for more clear, the color of the photo was oppositely processed)
Thank you very much indeed Premier Shipley for your kindness and friendship. I wish your country will be more strong and prosperous,and wish you still further success.

                  The end 2-013    First draft Jan.27,2003. 

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