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eng9-001 My German philatelic friend-1

fighting a flood and rescuing disaster area

China was hit by a severest floods in 1998. International community held out friendly support. My German philatelic friend Mr.Chi know that I am collecting the posted item about floods, he sent many German and other posted item about floods many times.(See eng2-001)
he sent many German and other posted item about floods many times
The ODER river brust in 1997. Brandenburg state suffered pluvial hit. German post urgent issued a set stamp used a stamp former planed with the state's badge and add "Rescue flood 1997" and red attach value, it become a special stamp
The ODER river brust in 1997. Brandenburg state suffered pluvial hit. German post urgent issued a set stamp used a stamp former planed with the state's badge and add "Rescue flood 1997" and red attach value, it become a special stamp. Left-above: A entired cover stuck the stamp. Right-above: A stamp Issued by GERMANY in 1997.
Its subject is "Unite for fighting a flood". Its denomination is 56 Euro cents, added value is 44 Euro cents. Left-above is first day cover through post stuck the stamp from GERMANY to CHINA
Its subject is "Unite for fighting a flood". Its denomination is 56 Euro cents, added value is 44 Euro cents.
The right-above stamp Issued by GERMANY on Aug.30,2002. Its subject is "Unite for fighting a flood". Its denomination is 56 Euro cents, added value is 44 Euro cents. Left-above is first day cover through post stuck the stamp from GERMANY to CHINA
A mail stuck flooding stamp sent from BERLIN
A mail stuck flooding stamp sent from DRESDEN
Above: A mail stuck flooding stamp sent from BERLIN Above: A mail stuck flooding stamp sent from DRESDEN
The stamp Issued in 1997 by Hungary. 40x30mm. Its picture is a bluebonnet on the floodwater. The bluebonnet is a common wild flower in Hungary. It lonely float on the surface,look like is so helpless, what will be its fortune? It made people care for the people in disaster.
Above: The stamp Issued in 1997 by Hungary. 40x30mm. Its picture is a bluebonnet on the floodwater. The bluebonnet is a common wild flower in Hungary. It lonely float on the surface,look like is so helpless, what will be its fortune? It made people care for the people in disaster.
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