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eng2-001-2 Unforgettable 1998 summer for fighting a flood
Unforgettable 1998 summer for fighting China flood
Unforgettable 1998 summer for fighting China flood


In despite of the warning from the specialists a long time ago , Chinese people just awoke that "the wolf really came" till the flooding arrived. 1998 become a year of the flooding disaster. In the flood season, bed weather and heavy raining caused severe flood on the area of Yangzi river. The water level exceeded the highest level in the history. The main embankments of Jiayu, Jiujiang burst, it caused heavy loss of live and property. At same time, all alarm came from north as Liao river, Songhua river, Nun river , from south as Zhu river, Min river. The flux and peak of the flood exceeded the highest record in the history.
In this case, the extraordinary flood of the century excited the fighting volition of all Chinese. The president and the citizen, the army and government,million of soldiers and large mass formed a solid dam, painted many majesty and splendid pictures of "fighting a flood and rescuing disaster area"


Unforgettable 1998 summer for fighting China flood
"CHINA PROFILES" 88th number
2001.1.1."ECONOMIC NEWS"
"CHINA PROFILES" 88th number


"JINGGUANGYOU98-00022" Postcard
"CHINA PROFILES" 88th number
Unforgettable 1998 summer for fighting China flood
Unforgettable 1998 summer for fighting China flood
T32-3 Issued by CHINA on Aug.1,1978.
T40-1 Issued by CHINA on Aug.1,1987.
"CHINA PROFILES" 88th number
T32-3 Issued by CHINA on Aug.1,1978. T40-1 Issued by CHINA on Aug.1,1987.
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